A Message from the Principal
Osborne Primary School is a multicultural, inclusive school which prides itself on ensuring that all students have the opportunity to progress and succeed in a supportive and caring environment. We pride ourselves on providing a balanced curriculum that caters to students' academic, physical, social, and emotional needs supported by a highly experienced, dedicated, and compassionate staff.
Osborne Primary School has a positive and engaged community that works in partnership with the school. Our P&C, School Board, and external agencies all play key roles in providing the best opportunities and support for our students.
Our students thrive at Osborne Primary School and as a community, we all work together to adhere to our three school values respect, responsibility, and resilience. We value our student's voice, and provide them with a platform where their opinions are sought, valued, and respected. We are very proud of the students at Osborne Primary.
Brett Conduit