Parents & Citizens (P&C)

Welcome to the Osborne Primary P&C

We are a group of parents, teachers and community members who work together to improve our school and the school experience for our children. The P&C is also a forum for discussion and the exchange of information between parents and carers, and the school.

What does the P&C do?

Our main task is to coordinate fundraising activities that generate funds to supplement the school’s, and parent’s and carer funding of activities, and improve school resources and grounds.
Along the way, we get to meet loads of great people, find out about all the fantastic things happening at the school, and we get to contribute our thoughts and provide input on school matters.
The P&C is a terrific way for parents to be heard and have a voice in the community.

The P&C needs your help to operate

We need volunteers to:

1. Support the administration of the P&C

As we are a legal association, we must comply with certain rules to operate. We, therefore, follow WASCO procedures for election of the P&C office bearers who support the administration of the association.
Office bearer positions include:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Executive Committee Members

Each year office bearers are elected at the AGM. Anyone who volunteers for P&C office bearer positions is provided with support and training – no previous experience is necessary.

2. Help with the running of fundraising activities

We always need volunteers to help us carry out our fundraising activities. If you are available to help, please get in touch and let us know.

How does the P&C benefit our students?

The money the P&C generates through fundraising activities is used to reduce the cost of activities to parents, as well as improve school facilities and resources for students.
Facilities and resources the P&C contributed funding towards in 2021 include:

  • The new front door to the school office building
  • New PA system used for assemblies
  • The ramp to enter the school from Albert Street
  • Yearly funding of the school chaplain
  • Activities the P&C contributed funding towards in 2021 include:
  • Edu-dance
  • Swimming lessons
  • Year 5/6 camp
  • Bike education
  • The whole school excursion to Kings Park

How to join the P&C?

Anyone can join the P&C and we are always looking for new members and volunteers to help with our fundraising activities. To join the P&C you just need to fill in a membership form and pay a contribution of $1.00. As a member, you will receive all meeting papers and other P&C information, and you can vote at meetings. Members are under no obligation to attend meetings or participate in P&C activities, but we could really do with your help.

How often does the P&C meet?

The P&C meet once a term and we always welcome new faces. Check the calendar for the next meeting date. The Fundraising subcommittee meet more regularly to organise and carry out fundraising activities.